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Best Car Insurance for Young Drivers

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Our overview of best ways young drivers can saved money on car insurance, based on independent research

Best Car Insurance for Young Drivers
Photo by Valerie Kaarna / Unsplash

Young drivers often face the challenge of finding affordable car insurance due to their lack of experience and higher risk of accidents. But fear not, dear drivers! We have compiled a list of car insurance providers that offer the best deals for young drivers. The following insurers should be your top priority when looking for quotes:

  1. General Accident (GA) Insurance
  2. More Than – Smart Wheels
  3. Churchill – Drivesure
  4. Ingenie
  5. Drive Like A Girl
  6. Insure The Box
  7. Co-op Young Drivers Insurance
  8. Privilege – DrivExpert

These insurers have been selected based on their competitive pricing, availability, and the options they offer for young drivers. However, it's essential to compare quotes and research each company to find the policy that suits your needs best. Now, let's dive into some tips and tricks to help you save even more on your car insurance!

1. Choose a car with lower insurance costs

When selecting your first car, consider models that fall into lower insurance groups. Cars like the Hyundai I10 SE, Fiat 500 S, Toyota Aygo Blue, and Peugeot 107 Urban are among the cheapest to insure for young drivers. Remember, a lower insurance group means cheaper premiums!

2. Add a responsible driver to your policy

Adding a responsible second or third driver, such as a parent with a good driving record, can help reduce your premium. Just make sure you're still listed as the main driver, and avoid "fronting" – registering a more experienced driver as the primary driver even if they're not – as this is illegal and can invalidate your cover.

3. Consider telematics or black box insurance

Telematics policies, also known as black box insurance, track your driving habits through a small device installed in your car or an app on your phone. Insurers like Drive Like A Girl, Insure The Box, and Co-op reward safe driving with potential discounts on your premium. These policies can be a great way to prove your responsibility behind the wheel and save money.

4. Purchase your insurance in advance

Did you know that you can save money on your car insurance by purchasing it 23 days in advance? It's true! So, mark your calendar and set a reminder to start shopping for insurance early.

5. Be truthful on your application

While it may be tempting to tweak your job title or provide false information to lower your premium, it's important to be honest on your insurance application. Providing incorrect information can lead to your policy being invalidated, leaving you without coverage when you need it most.

6. Use comparison sites and cashback sites

Comparison sites like MoneySuperMarket are a fantastic way to find the best deals on car insurance. Additionally, using cashback sites can offer extra savings on your policy, so don't forget to check them out!

7. Haggle with your current insurer

If you're renewing your policy or have found a better deal elsewhere, don't be afraid to haggle with your current insurer. They may be willing to match or even beat the competing offer to keep you as a customer.

8. Consider additional coverage options wisely

While it can be tempting to add extra features like breakdown cover, windscreen cover, or personal accident cover, remember that these additions can increase your premium. Carefully consider which options are necessary for your specific needs and which ones you can live without.

By following these tips and focusing on the insurance providers mentioned in our list, you'll be well on your way to finding the best car insurance for young drivers. Remember, it's essential to compare multiple quotes, consider different types of policies, and do your research to find the perfect policy at the right price. Happy driving!